Multi-Objective Decision Making Workshop at ECAI 2025
25/26 October 2025, Bologna, Italy
- 25 February 2025: MODeM 2025 site launched
Multi-Objective Decision Making Workshop - 2025
In recent years there has been a growing awareness of the need for automated and assistive decision making systems to move beyond single-objective formulations when dealing with complex real-world issues, which invariably involve multiple competing objectives. The purpose of this workshop is to promote collaboration and cross-fertilisation of ideas between researchers working in different areas of multi-objective decision making in the context of intelligent systems, and to provide a forum for dissemination of high-quality multi-objective decision making research.
Previous editions of this workshop may be found at the following URLs:
The workshop targets high-quality original papers covering all aspects of multi-objective decision making, including, but not limited to, the list of topics below. The following is a non-exhaustive list of topics that we would like to cover in the workshop:
- Multi-objective/multi-criteria/multi-attribute decision making
- Multi-objective reinforcement learning
- Multi-objective planning and scheduling
- Multi-objective multi-agent decision making
- Multi-objective game theory
- Preference elicitation for MODeM
- Social choice and MODeM
- Multi-objective decision support systems
- Multi-objective metaheuristic optimisation (e.g. evolutionary algorithms) for autonomous agents and multi-agent systems
- Multi-objectivisation
- Ethical AI through multi-objective modelling
- Explainable AI through multi-objective modelling
- Interactive systems for MODeM
- Applications of MODeM
- Interdisciplinary work (MODeM research that relates to other fields)
- New benchmark problems for MODeM
Program Details
The workshop programme will consist of contributed original talks, invited talks, and a panel discussion. We might also ask participants to pre-record talks and make them available outside of the workshop sessions, on our Youtube channel.
Important Dates
Submission Details
Papers should be formatted according to the ECAI 2025 guidelines, and should be a maximum of 7 pages in length (with additional pages containing references only). Additionally, we welcome submission of preliminary results, i.e. work-in-progress, as well as visionary outlook papers that lay out directions for future research in a specific area, both up to 5 pages in length, although shorter papers are very much welcome, and will not be judged differently. Finally, we also accept summaries of recently published journal papers in the form of a 2-page abstract (we note that these type of submissions need not be anonymised).
All submissions will be peer-reviewed (double-blind). Accepted work will be allocated time for poster and/or oral presentation during the workshop.
Papers can be submitted through EasyChair.
Program Committee
If you are interested in serving on the programme committee, please get in touch with the organisers: Email
This year's workshop is organised by:- Pieter Libin (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE)
- Patrick Mannion (University of Galway, IE)
- Roxana Rădulescu (Utrecht University, NL; Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE)
- Willem Röpke (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE)
- Ali E. Abbas (University of Southern California, USA)
- Carlos A. Coello Coello (CINVESTAV-IPN, MX)
- Richard Dazeley (Deakin University, AU)
- Enda Howley (University of Galway, IE)
- Ann Nowé (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE)
- Patrice Perny (UPMC, FR)
- Marcello Restelli (Politecnico di Milano, IT)
- Diederik M. Roijers (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE; City of Amsterdam, NL)
- Peter Vamplew (Federation University Australia, AU)
- Nic Wilson (University College Cork, IE)
If you have any questions about the MODeM workshop, please contact the organizers at:
modem.organisers AT gmail.com